Saturday, August 13, 2011

Michele Bachmann wins Ames, Ron Paul a close second

It's very interesting to see these candidates do so well here. Bachmann and Paul are both severe fiscal conservatives along the lines of the Tea Party movement, with Bachmann helping found the Tea Party Caucus and Ron Paul holding his libertarian ideals.

I personally am rather happy to see them both do so well, even if Bachmann is far from my favorite politician. It'll be interesting to see how well they do against Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. The real loser here, though, IMO, is Tim Pawlenty. Frankly, I was a Minnesotan while he was governor (I'm back to Michigan now), and he really wasn't good for Minnesota, and I doubt he'd be good for the country.

Missouri law limiting teacher-student online contact draws ire

The main problem with this one is that it mostly wouldn't make anything harder for criminals, just law abiding citizens.

Zynga draws fewer paid players than expected

I wouldn't be surprised to see their start fall quite a bit. Their infrastructure cost will likely outpace their profits.

Security expert warns hackers can attack Android

FUD! FUD! It's amazing that this sort of thing makes the news.

Donors help to reboot US listening post for aliens

Good to hear it. It either is a boondoggle or the most important project in the world... In my eyes, worth betting on.

New Rule Adds Uncertainty to Volatile Picture for Gold -

The volatility that may hit the gold market could make things interesting.